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How does equitable distribution affect your divorce?

On Behalf of | Feb 16, 2022 | Family Law

Are you planning to get a divorce in Aiken or Augusta in Georgia? If so, you may be faced with a new concept that you need to learn. This is the principle of equitable distribution. It can affect the way that your property and assets are legally distributed after your divorce. Several factors influence it.

What factors influence an equitable distribution decision?

Equitable distribution refers to the official distribution of property that occurs after your divorce is finalized. It usually occurs after a divorcing couple doesn’t agree when it comes to this distribution. At this point, the court will intervene to make the final decision regarding the separation of your property.

Many key factors will influence the outcome of a court-ordered equitable distribution. These can include the income level of both parties. They can also include the educational level and prospects for future employment of each person. Your health and financial status will be reviewed.

The exact stated cause of the divorce will also be taken into consideration. After weighing all these factors, the court will make its final ruling. At this point, the court will exclude property that was acquired before the marriage or inherited during it. The rest will be allocated for distribution.

How can you prepare for equitable distribution?

You may wish to take steps in order to protect your property from becoming subject to a court-ordered equitable distribution. This should play a key part in helping you get organized before you file for divorce.

There is plenty of material on the web for you to review to get up to speed on how equitable distribution works. From there, you may wish to secure legal aid for assistance with filing for divorce.

It’s a good idea to review all your property and assets before you make your final choice. If you can’t come to an agreement with your spouse, you can try mediation. This may help you reach a settlement that avoids equitable distribution.

